Well Ladies and Gentlemen.. let me introduce to Ezekiel.. Ezekiel is a fashion Stylist and also CEO & Art Director at Vintage Yard.
In this new day and age of mens fashion, I feel like its become difficult to find creatives with style. A lot of these modern day 'fashonistos' (I'm guessing thats the male fashionista) dress the same and it irritated me. Everyone wears high end luxury brands' lookbook and think that automatically enables to think they're into fashion. However, I've spotted a few people who's style stands out to me. Heres the first..
Essex based Ezekiel, 23 is very very humble which is very rare in 2014's fashion 'society'.. Especially when your credentials look like his. Apart from running his company, Vintage Yard, Ezekiel also manages to model when he gets the chance.
I personally think his style is ultimately close to the style a aspire to have. The versatility of Ezekiel's wardrobe allows him to pull off many different styles and his, confidence in his own style leads him to not be afraid to try things out.
In my meeting with Ezekiel, I thought it would be fun to ask him a few questions and he had to answer in the next 30 seconds (you get less cheesy answers then).. Heres how it turned out:
"Describe your style in 2 words and why you chose them"
Advanced Vintage because I take vintage fashion, combine it with my style to make it modern (today) in my own way
Then asked, What his opinion on Mens Fashion is..
I think it can be bolder but people are too scared to express themselves due to peer pressure / confidence. That's why I have vowed to bring a difference to the world of fashion and Design
"What made you interested in fashion"
I didn't realise how much love I had for fashion until people started pointing out to me . I was so indulged in it that by the time I found out it was too late so I guess the question is " what made fashion love me" cause it's moulded me into the man I am today and I'm grateful for that"
Finally, I asked "If you was only allowed to shop at one store for the next 2years, what would it be?
I could shop at only one store it would be @vintageyarduk (not surprised)

I enjoyed speaking to Ezekiel and wish him and the Vintage Yard team all the best. Im sure i'll be seeing more photo-shoots from you guys soon.
Contact Ezekiel
Twitter (here)
Instagram (here)
Website (here)
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